Saturday 15 October 2011

My birthday?

Would you believe it the old dimwit was rummaging through some paperwork and found my birth certificate and it turns out I’m a year younger than he thought, well it’s not a thing a bitch cares about, so on 10 January I will be 12 and not 13 like marble brains has been saying. How do I feel about it, couldn’t give a fart. 

Saturday 8 October 2011

Been stiff and arthritic the last few days

Been stiff and arthritic the last few days , the onset of winter, yesterday I could barely get to me paw’s and had to get himself to lift me up the steps and off the boat so I could have a poo and pee.
The walk was deliberately slow as I tried to get through to numbskull that it was about time he gave me more attention.
It worked this last night I had a hot water bottle to snuggle up to and this morning I felt so much better, felt like bounding up the path but thought better of it, didn’t want him thinking the hot water bottle wasn’t needed, it does help the old bones. Don’t think he appreciates that in doggie years I’m 90.