Wednesday 24 August 2011

The visit to the Vet.

The Boo is the only dog I have ever known literally pull you into the vet’s admittedly she does have the hot’s for one of the young guys there and gives me and the receptionist the he better be in or I’m going to play-up look whenever we visit.
We sit and wait, well I sit The Boo prowls and glares at the other dogs giving them the he’s mine look. Every time the door to his surgery opens she’s there trying to get in, absolutely no shame, I’m sure if she knew where he lived she’d stalk him.
Finally it’s our turn and she skids on the lino in her haste tail sweeping from side to side, like a demented tiller, never had it cropped think it cruel, and trying to jump up to him. As soon as he pats and strokes her it’s like she goes into a trance her eyes roll and gives a little tremble its quit disgusting behaviour for such an elderly lady.
After a swooning few minutes the vet pronounces her fit and healthy says it may have been a midge or grass seed in her ear but gone now. So with a great deal of reluctance and quite a bit of resistance we departed me with half my weeks pension The Boo with that expression that only old ladies have after such encounters .
She has now spent the rest of the day with her nose in her nether regions fast asleep not a care in the world.

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